Saturday, December 23, 2017

Communication with Alien Intelligence - Is it a Possibility?

When we finally meet the aliens from outer space, will we be able to converse with them? Considering that we don’t speak the same language, is there a possibility that we will be able to decipher their language?

Well, these are questions that have been nagging people who have always had a fascination with trying to make contact with extraterrestrial beings.

It’s disappointing that all the messages that have been sent to the outer space have either gone unanswered or weird transmissions have been received. But what if researchers picked up an unmistakable communication from outer space tomorrow? Wouldn’t it be an intriguing dilemma?

Let’s find out….

Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence

Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CETI) is a branch of Searching for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), a branch involved with the transmission and reception of messages between humans and alien civilization.

Since the 60s, researchers and scientists have been trying to detect signals from alien intelligence with no luck.

This branch seeks to discover and solve challenges that may hinder communication with outer space intelligence.

Recognizing Incoming Alien Signal

According to CETI, recognizing incoming alien signal is one of the most challenging tasks as differentiating between natural and unnatural signals is easier said than done.

Researchers are however hopeful that advanced technology is highly capable of producing a fine time and frequency structure, through which natural and unnatural signals can be distinguished.

However, according to Andrew Siemion, the director of the Berkeley SETI Research Center, it could be possible that some natural sources could mimic the type of signals being investigated in SETI research. He further adds that discovering these processes would be incredible as well.

Possibility of Overcoming the Language Barrier

The second hardest challenge would be overcoming the language barrier, bearing in mind that aliens most certainly speak a totally different language.

Is there a possibility of coping with such a barrier?

Well, linguistic experts are already trying to unravel this mystery.

It would be practically impossible to decipher an unintentional alien message. However, according to SETI researchers, the situation would be totally different if their message was intentional.

According to Siemion, if alien civilization really wanted to contact us, they would most likely choose to base their communication on something we both have in common. Furthermore, given the fact that we live in the same physical universe and are pretty close to each other(40-50 light years away), they might actually know a lot about us.

Is the Effort Worth it?

Even as researchers continue with the struggle to come up with more suitable methods to get in touch with extraterrestrial civilizations, some people still feel it’s not a risk worth taking.

Some feel there is a high possibility of existential dangers to humanity- like biological weapons or asteroid impacts.

However, according to Siemion, there is no such evidence and on the contrary, extraterrestrial intelligence could actually be friendly possibly because their civilization is highly advanced.

Scientists strongly believe that alien intelligence might have already picked up the sent messages, only that they have no idea we are trying to contact them, possibly due to a language barrier.

They are strongly convinced that transmitting more powerful signals could possibly let them know of our desire to converse with them.

Well, we can only hope for the best!

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