Sunday, December 10, 2017

8 Important Things You Should Be Aware About Your Sweetness

Getting into a relationship can be so exciting! Especially if it is with your dream guy/lady. The feeling is ecstatic as this is the time the love is ripe and still intact. At this point, the other can literally die for another. It happens; no wonder love has been nicknamed blind when it is usually the eye opener. It makes you realize how much your heart can completely accommodate somebody different from your bloodline with their set of inadequacies. Before you commit or start sneering at your bachelor/spinster friends however, get to know a little about your partner. These can be things such as:

What they do

Money is not everything but something that can bring division. Find out if you boyfriend or girlfriend to be has a job or not. If yes what kind. Some professions are so demanding so it’s important to know what you are getting into.


Even if it is just a number, age can cause a difference in two lovebirds if this is not discussed beforehand. Should there be any wide gap between the two, then it must be as a result of choice and not coercion or influence.


Believe it or not, culture is still a very important factor to consider. Some still cling to it. Find out of their culture and if you are able to put up with them that way in the case where your culture differ.


As much as like poles repel and opposite attract, agreeing to someone totally different from your personality can be a time bomb. Look for personalities that can complement one another. It will reduce the fights.


Most of the time, religion has separated more than it has bond. Find out religion standing of your partner and act on it. Do not get into a relationship to change someone. Let them change before they make you their only.

Future plans

Of course they may not be able to divulge all of them at a go. Find an interesting way to prompt this conversation in a manner that will not look like you are administering a questionnaire. Plans like relocation, kids and other things are some of the plans you should know before committing.

Off limits

We are not the same. What we accept as normal may not be for some people. It is important to find out what you partner considers off limits so that you are able to make a decision before you fall into love with a thud and get hurt. Take anal sex for example; someone may not see why you are not offering it yet it’s their best.

Right/wrong buttons

Every one of us has a button you cannot press and get away with it. Get to know these in your partner as they will be an asset or a liability on your part. I know of someone who got dumped because they forgot a birth date! It is that serious.

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