Monday, December 11, 2017

All You Need To Know About The Curse Of Tutankhamun

The curse of the Pharaohs is believed to be an alleged spell that is cast upon those people who disturb the mummy of an Ancient Egyptian person, especially a Pharaoh or a king. One such curse is the famous Curse of Tutankhamun. The curse is an ancient belief among the local people of Egypt that the people who opened the tomb of Tutankhamun died mysteriously days after that.

Tutankhamun And His Death

Tutankhamun was an Egyptian pharaoh or The King of 18th dynasty. His original name was Tutankhaten and referred to as the King Tut. He ruled during the period of Egyptian history known as to be the New Kingdom. He ascended to the throne in 1333 BC, at the age of nine and ruled the empire for ten years.

Tutankhamun died at the age of 19 and still the cause of his death is a considerable debate. However, the observation taken in 2005 showed that he had fractured his leg, which later got infected. Also In 2010 the DNA analysis shows the presence of malaria in his boy and Kohler Disease that led to his death.

Discovery Of The Mummy

The mummy of Tutankhamun was discovered on October 28, 1925, by an English Egyptologist Howard Carter and his team. His burial chamber was found in the Valley of the Kings in the Theban Necropolis in 1922 but wasn’t opened until then. The mummy is about 3,300 years old. It was believed to be one of the most famous and significant discovery of modern times.


The belief in curse was followed by many people because of the mysterious death of few members of Howard Carter’s team who opened the King’s Tomb. The curse is believed to be thrown upon people who disturb the Ancient Tombs.

The first death was of Lord Carnarvon; he was bitten by a mosquito and later slashed the bite while shaving which got infected and he died. After his mysterious death, many people began associating his death with the infamous curse, owing to the fact that he had been found in King’s Tomb. Many such deaths followed by one after other, with a majority of them following the same fashion –victims dying mysteriously and within few hours of their infection.

King Tutankhamun’s Mummy is still present in his tomb in the Valley of Kings. Some people believe and some still feel the curse to be as a myth. There were 58 people present at the time when the tomb and sarcophagus were opened. But only eight died in a dozen years.

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