Monday, December 4, 2017

Nuclear Submarine : Technology, Capabilities and Naval Diplomacy

Nuclear submarines changed modern naval operations and led to a series of scientific discoveries that left an impact on industry and society. These submarines have numerous advantages over conventional submarines, which required diesel fuel and traveled on the surface, only occasionally submerging to avoid detection by the enemy.

The first nuclear submarine was the Nautilus. A few years after being commissioned, it became the first submarine to sail beneath the North Pole in 1958. Afterward, the Nautilus received an overhaul and a new nuclear reactor. By 1960, more advanced technologies were available and the Nautilus became a trainer sub for those who would serve on more modern nuclear ships.

Nuclear reactors are basically really powerful heat engines. Uranium fission breaks apart atoms and releases energy in the form of heat. This heat creates energy, which can be harnessed to do work. In a nuclear-powered submarine, the heat from the nuclear reactor creates steam that drives the turbines that power the submarines.

Having ships with nearly unlimited power and that could travel the globe undetected gave the U.S. vast superiority over enemy military and commercial ships, which could be attacked at any time from anywhere on the oceans. Eventually, nuclear submarines carried ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads. An alarmed Soviet Union started its nuclear submarine program shortly afterward.

Although modern radar can detect a periscope raised for more than a few minutes, nuclear submarines still are the stealthiest way to approach highly sensitive or compromised regions. Enemy defense systems detect nuclear submarines using a number of methods. Sonar signals spread out and bound off a craft revealing its presence. Radar can pick up tiny disturbances in the ocean and ferret out a submerged submarine. Satellite and aerial technologies can capture shadows of submarines on the surface of the water. Sensitive instruments can even pick up the signature of the nuclear fuel expanded to power submarines. Given the risk of detection, life aboard a nuclear sub can be very restrictive.

Operating in stealth mode, these craft cannot use sonar to detect underwater undersea mountains, drilling rigs or other submarines. Surfacing to make navigational corrections is really difficult due to submarine detection systems using radar or satellite technologies. Antenna masts and periscopes can be raised to obtain navigational signals for only a few seconds.

Despite these challenges, nuclear submarines still serve a valuable service in modern naval military applications. A submarine powered by nuclear reactors has a nearly limitless range coupled with first-in-class maneuverability. These subs can be stationed across the globe and only need to surface once every three months to take on provisions. Post-Cold War, nuclear missiles might seem irrelevant, but the nuclear reactor is still powering the naval submarines of the U.S., Russia, India, Great Britain, China and France.

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