What is a Sonic Boom?
A sonic boom is the sound related to the shock waves that is made when the object moves through air faster than the speed of sound. Due to the immense amount of energy created by these waves, the sonic boom sounds like an explosion.When Will You Hear a Sonic Boom?
One of the most common uses of a miniscule sonic boom occurs when a bullwhip makes that cracking’ sound. In fact, that sound is actually a tiny sonic boom. This is probably the first man-made structure to produce a wave faster than speed of sound.A larger example of a sonic boom is the sound a jet makes as it takes flight and passes through the air. The waves of pressure travel at the speed of sound. As the jet picks up its own speed, the waves are forced together as there is neither room nor time for them to escape. Over time, they will quickly merge into one giant shock wave. This wave will travel at the speed of sound. The bigger the jet, the bigger and faster the waves!
Along with shape and size, altitude plays a large role for shock waves. The higher the jet after taking flight, the smaller the waves!
Can a Sonic Boom Hurt You?
Many are afraid of sonic booms due to the loud sound they make, much like thunder. Both are simply a loud noise. This is caused by a shock wave, so the question is, can the shock wave hurt you?Well, a common shock wave occurrence is heard when a jet takes flight. If the shock wave hit you, it could indeed damage your eardrums, or worse. But you would have to be extremely close for this to happen. If that were the case, the shock waves would be the least of your worries.
A few studies suggest that a sonic boom may increase the risk of vibroacoustic disease, which results in a thickening of heart tissue. But there has not been proof that this is true. Those with vibroacoustic disease are often fighter pilots, aircraft technicians, and others who spent an extensive amount of time near low frequency noises associated with the sonic boom a jet makes. Still, the direct cause has not been confirmed.
So, now that you know what a sonic boom is, you should easily be able to identify the sound yourself. If not, listen to the shuttle of a jet in flight. Or pay attention the next time you hear a bull whip crack!
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