Saturday, December 9, 2017

The Journey To Mars - NASA

NASA operates as an independent agency, however, it is a branch of the executive. It has grown in leaps and bounds over the years since it was established in 1958 by president Eisenhower. NASA has staged pioneering missions and projects to the moon and back through the Apollo program. The program ran from 1961 to 1972 and still remains one of NASA's greatest success stories. Currently, NASA is planning to send humans to Mars and an asteroid by developing advanced technology. Extensive research is being carried out ranging from fuel and propulsion systems to human survival in space.

The Journey To Mars

NASA has plans to have the first humans on Mars by 2030. However, the main question is how to get there successfully. Mars is approximately 225 million kilometers away, and therefore, NASA must develop viable technology to get there. Currently, NASA is developing some of the most advanced space crafts and rocket systems ever designed.

The Orion Spacecraft will carry 4 astronauts beyond the moon. The spacecraft will be launched from Florida on board the space launch system. Furthermore, NASA is also working on an Asteroid Redirect mission that is intended to redirect a near earth asteroid into stable orbit around the moon. It is expected that by 2020, astronauts will have the opportunity to explore the asteroid and return with samples. These samples will be further analyzed for their chemical properties. This will create a basis to further understand what could be expected from Mars.

The International Space Station plays a major role in the research involving the journey to Mars. Human beings spend up to 6 months there where they are studied and observed. The International Space Station has opened up opportunities which have helped to understand physical/biological sciences and space. The International Space Station has enabled scientists to understand how humans can thrive in space for long missions to Mars and beyond. This has helped in developing precaution measures that will protect humans from exposure to ultraviolet rays, and lack of gravity. Research on life support systems and human-robotic interfaces is also being carried out in the International Space Station.

In terms of technology, NASA is working on new and innovative technologies that will make the journey to Mars easier. The technology being developed by NASA is intended to provide solutions that promote exploration. Some of this technology includes solar electric propulsion and cryogenic storage tanks made out of composite materials. One can not help but notice the immense effort that NASA is putting into the Mars program. The development of cutting edge technology through extensive research will surely bear fruit. At this rate, without any doubt, the first men could walk on Mars by 2030.

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