Thursday, December 14, 2017

Effects of nuclear explosions on human health

Nuclear weapons are the fastest growing threat ever since the end of Second World War and its first ever use in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Like all the conventional weapons, nuclear bombs have their own set of side effects and drawbacks. The problem here is that that their effects are long term and more devastating than the impact of all the conventional weapons combined USSR and USA realized this threat and started the process of disarmament amidst the Cold War. Although the states use nuclear materials mostly for deterrence purposes but the recent use of chemical weapons in Syria have sparked the debate of their effects on human health yet again.

A traditional gun is fired, the bullet hits the target and the target is injured or dead. The story ends there but that is not the case in nuclear explosions. When a nuclear bomb is dropped the radiation has heavy long term consequences for the people affected by it. These bombs have radiations that are particularly damaging for human health.

The most damaging effect is on the human brain. The brain cells do not reproduce so because of the high radiation these brain cells are damaged including nerve cells resulting in seizure and immediate death.

The high amount of radiation from nuclear explosions causes damage to small blood vessels that result in a heart attack or death. These radiations are damaging for the blood system as well. However this does not cause immediate death but it may end up effecting a person’s health for life.

A nuclear explosion also releases heat and blast waves which directly kill every human that comes in their way. They make the air heavier to breath and cause numerous deaths by choking. These are the various short term effects of a nuclear explosion. There are some long term effects as well. In case of the Hiroshima Nagasaki explosion there are a number of long term effects that can be seen. Numerous Children born even years after the explosion suffered with some sort of mental or physical disability. This caused them a life long struggle just because their ancestors were involved in a meaningless war the psychological effects of these explosions often go unnoticed. People suffer the loss of their loved ones and their properties which can have a devastating effect on their mental health for as long as they live.

States need to realize the grave consequences of the use of nuclear weapons so that they can make rational choices before using a tactic with such massive impacts.

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